Down to earth spiritualism

Simon Milton-Jones
3 min readMar 15, 2021
Keep it real! Down to earth spiritualism.

It’s become more and more of an itch that needs scratching and so now the itch is beginning to annoy me, I shall take a moment to scratch it.

My itch is about the “airy-fairy-ness” of the environment I work within, the healing, readings and mediumship that form the basis of my work life and belief structure. Those that know me, will understand that I am very down to earth, I like my feet planted deep into the soil. And so, when I hear other healers and mediums being ethereal, pseudo-spiritual and talking in ways that really, truly have no meaning, I get my itch on and wonder whether they have been smoking too much sage!

So, here we go, this is just a short blog but there will be more:
As a race, humans are naturally spiritual, it’s part of our make-up. Good, I think it’s a healthy understanding that we are not simply about a body and a brain. I also believe that it’s possible for us to heal people’s ailments, communicate with their spirit and also continue communicating with them once their body dies. Okay, so, no surprises there. I don’t believe that being able to do any of these things makes me special, extraordinary, privileged, or should be celebrated or revered. I absolutely believe it is unnecessary to conjure some kind of mysticism around it all. In my opinion, anyone doing so is trying to hide the fact they are uncertain or insecure about what they are doing — train harder, be better at what you do and lose the craziness.

Anyone can heal, they just need to learn how. Anyone can be psychic, they just need to learn how. Anyone can speak to a spirit or dead person, they just need to learn how. It is not magic, there are no special symbols, hand movements or incantations, it really, truly, honestly is much more natural than that.
There is a general movement that is pushing against all of these statements I’ve made. They say no, you have to be born into a family of healers, and mediums are born, not made. What a very elitist attitude! I’m special and you’re not! Wow! I think the people who believe they are somehow chosen to be a healer or medium, should question what their motivation for working in this environment. If you need to make yourself feel good by telling others that you are special, then okay. But simply saying something doesn’t make it so.

I successfully heal people every week without the need to burn sage, align my chakras or smoke my grandmother’s old socks. On a daily basis, I speak with dead people without needing to put myself into a trance, dance naked around a bonfire or take some hallucinogenic — okay, so at some point I have done two of those three but it was just for fun, not to have a quick chat with my dead Mother!

Huff, my point here is that we all have these wonderful abilities, naturally, some more than others. But they can be taught and learnt. And then, with practice, they will naturally, normally, be a part of your everyday, normal, natural life. There is no need to be airy-fairy about it all.

So, go ahead and dress all in black, put on your special hat, chant your special words, eat your mushrooms and smoke your socks away. Do it all for the fun of it and because it’s what you want to do, not because it’s what you need to do.

If you would to have a personal chat with me, visit me here and we can arrange a date and time.



Simon Milton-Jones

Let's live life NOW, while we have the body to live it in. Let's be spiritual when we are a spirit. Let's have all the experiences we can, while we can!